Newest Olsen makes Sundance Debut in Hollywood

The Olsen twin’s younger sister is making her debut in showbiz with two talked-about films at the Sundance Film Festival.

Elizabeth Olsen is 21-years old. She is the younger sister of Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen. She stars in the movie “Silent House,” which is directed by the filmmakers who created the 2004 indie hit “Open Water.” The movie was sold to Lionsgate when it debuted at Sundance for more than $2 million.

“Silent House” is based on a movie from Uruguay entitled “La Casa Muda.” This is a continuous take where Olsen’s character suspects that her summer house may be haunted.

Olsen’s other movie at Sundance is called “Martha Macy May Marlene.” She plays the role of a young woman who is trying to readapt to life after escaping from a cult.

The young actress is excited about her showbiz career. However, she becomes worried about the idea of being a target by tabloid columns just like her big sisters, who are now 24 and are constantly chased by paparazzi.

Since hired as the kids to play a role in a TV comedy “Full House,” the Olsen twins have been in the showbiz spotlight.

Olsen said that when she was younger, going shopping with her sisters would be dangerous. People would nearly get them into car accidents. She thinks it is crazy, but she wanted to be an actress since she was a little girl. She hopes not to experience the downside of being a star but, she thinks it is a really weird part of the business.

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