Vatican to Host International Conference on AIDS Prevention and Care of Afflicted

The Vatican will hold an international conference in May regarding prevention of AIDS and care of those afflicted with it. The event will take place amid sustained confusion over its position pertaining to use of condoms as a way to avoid HIV transmission.

The Pontifical Council for Health Care Workers of Vatican also informed last Thursday that it was working on a set of guidelines for Catholic nurses, doctors and others who care for people with HIV and AIDS.

Pope Benedict XVI made headlines late last year when he mentioned in a book interview that someone who utilizes a condom to prevent transmission of HIV, such as a male prostitute, might be showing a first sign of a more moral sexuality since he is watching out for the welfare of another person.

The comments delivered an outbreak of confusion about whether the pope was validating the use of condoms, which contradicts the church doctrine against use of contraception. However, the Vatican firmly said he was not approving the use of condoms.

Undersecretary in the Vatican health office, Monsignor Jean-Marie Mpendawatu Mate Musivi informed reporters last Thursday that the position of the Vatican would be explained at the conference.

The head of UNAIDS and other significant AIDS researchers have been invited in the conference, which will be held on May 28.

Although UNAIDS said it was interested in attending, its executive director Michel Sidibi could not commit yet.

Mate Musivi pointed out that the position of the church on how to fight AIDS goes beyond the question of condoms and centers on prevention programs at the school, community and family levels. The church has been pointing out that abstinence and monogamous marriages are the best ways to avoid transmission of HIV.

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