Bugs Pose Health Risks

Bugs are once again here to bug us. But they are not only irritating; they can pose real threat to our health too.  Tiny ticks can cause Lyme disease; mosquitoes cause West Nile virus; and even the allergic reaction to bee stings can be fatal.

How much it itches and how huge the red spots are from bug bites, depend highly on your skin type. Yes, there are just some people whose genetic make-up makes them mosquito magnets. Many blame the poor spiders, but most of our bites are really from mosquitoes.

Jonathan Coddington, a spider expert, said that a lot of people call them and are either panicking or bummed out about their spider bites. Coddington said that there are actually two families of spiders that may cause real problems in the U.S. – those from the brown recluse family and black widows. More often than not, he said that people who call them just want to be reassured.

In the U.S. however, mosquito bites are the most common. In the past, they usually attack during dusk or dawn but recently, a new type bites any time of the day. It is the Asian tiger mosquito that just recently immigrated in Texas.

Many physicians agree that you can’t get infection from scratching bug bites but a Blacklegged tick species or deer ticks may transmit Lyme disease. Blacklegged ticks are very common during May up until July, or during spring time.

Antibiotics can easily cure people with Lyme disease but they are not easily detected because early signs and symptoms are only flu-like. Long-term exposure to the disease may lead to arthritis.

Categorized | Health

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