Maryland Senate Approved Legislation to Allow Same-Sex Marriage

Legislation allowing same-sex marriage was approved by the state Senate in Maryland on the night of Thursday.

The Civil Marriage Protection act would officially legalize gay marriage. But, it would not force religious sects to perform marriages of which they do not approve. The majority party has strong support on the legislation, which was approved through the Democratic Senate with a 25-21 vote.

The vote from the Senate came a day after President Obama informed the Department of Justice to discontinue defending the bill opposing same-sex marriages for he believes it is unlawful.

Senator Richard S. Madaleno Jr., the first explicitly gay member in the senate and a Montgomery County Democrat, considered the vote as momentous.

He informed that the bill is similar to a legislation submitted in Washington, D.C., that does not subject religious leaders to perform marriage ceremonies for same-sex couples if they object of it.

The bill now awaits the vote from the Maryland House of Delegates. A hearing on the bill is expected to begin on Friday. Heather Mizeur, a House member and another Montgomery County Democrat, thinks her party is likely a few votes short of 71 vows for the bill.

The Democrats have 98-43 majority in the Maryland House. However, Mizeur says other members of the party are still hesitant to vote for it because of their religious beliefs or concerns regarding the previous election.

Governor Martin O’Mally has announced in public that he would sign the bill into law if it would pass the state legislature. If the legislation is signed into law, Maryland will become the sixth state to permit marriages for lesbian and gay couples.

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