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Studies Show Beta Blockers May Raise Breast Cancer Survival

Women who are taking blood pressure medications while diagnosed with breast cancer may have increased chances of fighting off the disease, according to two recent studies.

One study showed that women who are taking beta blockers- common and inexpensive drugs used to decrease blood pressure- are more likely to be diagnosed with the disease at an earlier stage and, thus, have increased odds to survive.

The second study suggests that women who took the medication while going through chemotherapy had lesser possibility of recurrence.

Beta blockers work by limiting the effect of adrenaline and noradrenaline, which are both stress hormones. Some believe that stress pathways may have a contribution to the spread of the cancer.

Melhem-Bertrandt said that several literatures claim that cancer may return when people are under a lot of stress. Thus, they wanted to determine if something was done with the use of medications to lower adrenaline and noreadrenaline, and if that would lessen the risk of recurrence.

Although it is an enticing idea to dispense cheap and safe drugs to women to fight the disease, the findings of the study are not enough to suggest prescribing the drug called beta blockers for breast cancer, an expert said.

At this point, researchers advised that no one should think about taking beta-blockers to combat cancer. Also, women who are battling with the disease and are already taking the medications should not worry about it putting the care of their cancer at risk, said lead author of the second study, Dr. Amal Melhem-Bertrandt.

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