Type F, Tyra Banks’ New Fashion Website

Tyra Banks launches Type F websiteTyra Banks, at thirty-seven, just can’t sit still. She’s not only a supermodel, host and budding novelist but she’s into online venture as well. Banks, together with the Demand Media, opened a content and social media company in Santa Monica which focuses on fashion and beauty.

Like the other beauty websites, Type F features to give user friendly perks and experience. You can plug in a slew of physical attributes, such as eye color or body shape, and it screens the content according to your liking.

The site emphasizes glitzy applications more than fresh fashion. Its focus is not about the latest fashion but rather the fashion that would suit each person’s individual personality and beauty. It focuses on you– to become more beautiful rather than telling about the newest beautiful fashion collection.

There’s an application that walks user through beauty school. For instance, it teaches you about wearing your make-up, or how to master the eyeliner. There’s also a page where it allows  you to upload your daily look and comment about it.

As Tyra Banks said in a conference call with the media last March 15, “This site is something that is… connected to my mission—which is expanding the definition of beauty.”

If you are wondering what Type F means, you might actually think that it means Type Fashion. But rather as what the supermodel said in the Early Show hosted by Chris Wragge, that “One thing school has taught me is to stick with your core competency. And I know fashion and beauty.” When asked about the meaning of Type F, she actually said “It means whatever you want to mean. For me it means ‘Type Fierce’. It is a place; to me, it’s a revolutionary destination where women can come and get personalized information for them based on their specific body types”.

Banks actually enrolled herself in Harvard’s prestigious ‘Management Program’ and TypeF.com is her first reported venture since her enrollment.

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