Yellow Mountain & Tiger Leaping Gorge Stand Out in China

While Beijing and Shanghai are the default destinations of first-time visitors to China, the Yellow Mountain and Tiger Leaping Gorge stand out in China as the two natural landmarks often visited by tourists who like to integrate city travel with outdoor adventure.

The two natural landmarks are considered as the country’s most famous and remarkable attractions similar to the Grand Canyon of United States.

Yellow Mountain, also known as Huangshan, have been an iconic presentation in Chinese culture for several years. Tiger Leaping Gorge, which is about 240 miles from the Tibetan border, is one of the world’s deepest canyons.

On top of China’s Yellow Mountain, travelers can reach for the silvery wisps of clouds in front of them. While clouds drift, it reveals a canyon with a sea of peaks. Yellow Mountain, whose original name Huangshan suggests a single mountain, actually consists of a whole mountain range covering 58 square miles in southern Anhui province.

The whole mountain might take 2 days for a visit. It has two routes to get up the mountain, which includes the eastern step and the western step.

Tiger Leaping Gorge is also called Hu Tiao Xia by native name. It is named for a tiger for it is told to have escaped humans by jumping across fierce waters where the canyon narrows. It can be easily reached through the city of Lijiang.

The weather within the gorge is mild all year-round. Thus, it is possible to visit their any time of the year.

Hiking on Tiger Leaping Gorge is an exciting and pleasant for most visitors. However, extreme caution is warranted as the dirt trails can give way after heavy summer rainfalls.

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