Boardwalk and Glee Reign Golden Globes Award

Boardwalk Empire outshone the three-year fame of television’s Mad Men on Sunday as the prohibition-era drama won the Golden Globe for best TV drama on the night of awards in the TV categories.

Steve Buscemi, the Boardwalk Empire star also won his first Golden Globe for his role as a corrupt official in the drama by the HBO. These awards helped the top-class cable TV network achieve the biggest awards of the night given with a total of four trophies.

The big winner in the comedy category was the energetic Fox musical hit Glee. It collected three awards, which includes the best TV comedy series, female supporting actor for Jane Lynch’s conniving cheerleading coach and male supporting actor for Chris Colfer’s gay teen student.

Colfer became a hit star upon landing the role of Kurt Hummel in the comedy and musical series. In his acceptance speech, he thanked creator Ryan Murphy for basically being his fairy godmother. At the backstage, he also credited Glee for making performing arts cool again.

The achievement of Glee on Sunday has made Fox the second biggest network winner after HBO. CBS, FX, Showtime and the Sundance Channel ended the night with one award each. However, networks ABC and NBC did not receive any awards.

Yet, the biggest shock went to the TV drama series “Mad Men,” when their three-year victory was finally defeated by the “Boardwalk Empire.” Creator Terence Winter told that the 1930s gangster series was set in an American history wherein the period has not been explored much on film, most especially on TV. Indeed, it was a time in history that you cannot resist not to write about.

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